The greater Paris guide


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What do you think of when you hear the word ‘Paris’? Instagram-worthy pictures of the Eiffel
Tower, frequenting brasseries on the 4th Arrondissement, hustling crowds in and around Montmartre? Safe to say that natural parks, forest walks and farm-based artistic retreats probably aren’t the first things that spring to mind. That’s about to change. Discover a new side to Paris with The Greater Paris Guide. The book redefines the traditional Parisian quarters and cultural scene, reflecting the expansion of this multifaceted city. Brought to you by Magasins généraux and Enlarge Your Paris, this guidebook introduces both Parisians and visitors alike to an innovative, creative, welcoming, beautiful and sustainable region that is three-quarters covered by agricultural land and forest. The Greater Paris Guide highlights many of the area’s 1,200 cultural venues, 300 concert halls, 200 festivals, and 300 museums and art centres. It is a love letter to a constantly evolving city.