The City is Ours 2: Graffiti Removals


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The second issue of The City Is Ours, a series that invites you to explore your city, town or street with more curious eyes. This issue examines the accidental art of graffiti removal, where the cover-up of illegal graffiti leaves a new kind of art in its place. This book examines graffiti cover-ups, the various colours, forms (clouds, geometrics) and methods (paint, pressure washers) and the wide range of results. It extends into collaborative, multi-layered cover-ups and also to cover-ups that have then been adapted and subverted by other graffiti artists. Additional sections on Ukrainians painting over road signs to confuse Russian troops, graphology and also canvas painting inspired by ‘the buff’ culminate in this funny and fascinating book, which will have you appreciating your everyday surroundings in a whole new way.