Adversarial Feelings


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96 pp.

Adversarial Feelings is the new AV + book by Lorem, the project on AI and Human-computer interaction by Francesco D’Abbraccio. Made by three chapters and three thematic areas, Adversarial Feelings employs new generation Neural Networks to produce texts, experimental electronic music and video. In the last three years Lorem has built a collaborative platform, involving AI artists (Mario Klingemann, Yuma Kishi), researchers (Damien Henry, Nicola Cattabiani, Paolo Ferrari), designer (Mirek Hardiker, Karol Sudolski).

The three chapters of Adversarial Feelings move from three textual datasets. In the first chapter, the network “reads” stories and poems about complex emotional situations. The texts are classified according to Plutchick’s Wheel of Emotions, providing the basis for the simulation of new emotional patterns. The second dataset is composed of dozens of science fiction books about AI and its interactions with human beings: the network seems to investigate its own nature. Some texts and interviews on aliens have been included in the dataset, suggesting a correlation between the non-human nature of algorithmic intelligence and our understanding of extraterrestrial life. The third dataset was created by Mirek Amendant, an American artist/linguist, author of the cult Zaum Gadget (1988). Here the narrative focuses on the concept of Spiritual Machines and the relations between Zaum, Babel, Primordial Noise and sacred texts.