Harvard Design Mag №51
The 51st issue of Harvard Design Magazine, “Multihyphenate,” is edited by Sean Canty, Assistant Professor of Architecture, and John May, Associate Professor of Architecture, both from the Harvard Graduate School of Design, and Zeina Koreitem, design faculty at the Southern California Institute of Architecture (Sci-Arc). The guest editors have invited an international group of architects, curators, fashion designers, scholars, and artists to question the issue’s theme from different vantagepoints. Is multihyphenation actually new? SUPERSTUDIO, Rem Koolhaas, Denise Scott Brown, the Eameses, Eileen Gray, even Le Corbusier (the list is endless)—weren’t they all, in some way or another, multihyphenates? Or is something different happening today? Is multihyphenation a legitimate political response to present conditions, or must it always devolve into a cynical branding strategy? And crucially, is this model of practice allowing marginalized voices in the design fields to have more presence? Were there multihyphenates in the past who were overlooked in their own time, precisely for their marginal status?