Graphic Design in the Post-Digital Age


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480 pp.

Designers discuss the possibilities of creative coding today. Through interviews with more than 20 designers, Graphic Design in the Post-Digital Age looks at the challenges and opportunities of the fast-changing world of creative coding within a growing community of designers opting to make their own design tools. The designers reflect upon the ways in which coding has transformed their design practice, and the directions it will take in the future. The book is designed entirely by code, featuring digital print on its cut edges and fluorescent colors. Designers interviewed include: Dimitri Jeanottat, Ted Davis, Urs Hofer, Jeroen Barendse, Casey Reas, Yehwan Song, Luuse/Marianne Plano Léonard Mabille, Sarah Garcin, Tancrède Ottiger, Jürg Lehni, Loraine Furter, Raphael Bastide, Petr van Blokland, Dinamo/Fabian Harb Fabiola Mejía, Johnson/Kingston/Ivan Weiss Michael Kryenbühl, Eurostandard / Pierrick Brégeon Ali-Eddine Abdelkhalek, Zach Lieberman, Samuel Weidmann, Erik van Blokland, Studio Dumbar / Sander Sturing and Stan Haanappel, Émilie Pillet and Dia Studio/Mitch Paone.