B Magazine 94 – Barbour


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Barbour is a brand that started with Scottish-born John Barber in 1894 in South Shields, England, introducing oil-skinned workwear, a functional clothing that protects the body against the unpredictable weather. Since the introduction of iconic waxed cotton jackets such as Bidale, Viewport, and Border, centered on outerwear focused on function and purpose, we have created a collection of vintage products and a custom and re-waxing culture, instilled the image of ‘waxed cotton jackets are barber’ in the public. Barber, which has been running its business in the form of family management for the fifth generation, has made a leap forward as a lifestyle brand by adjusting the fit and changing the style to the needs of the times, and enhancing the accessibility of a new generation through collaboration with a number of fashion brands.